Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday March 16

We are still in the hospital as Tia's counts necessitated infusions of potassium and platelets as well as the normal M-W-F infusion of Ablecet. We will do some more blood work around 10 pm and then determine if she needs more potassium or whether we can head home.

She will be home Saturday and Sunday and would love visitors in the afternoons.

Next week we come back to City of Hope on M-W-F for infusions. In addition, Tia gets a PETSCAN on Wednesday to get a better idea of what the mass is in her right and left frontal lobes and to hopefully rule out some possibilities. On Friday, we see a new eye specialist to get a second opinion as to why Tia's eye sight has deteriorated.

On a good note, she had an excellent day yesterday and her WBC held steady this week. It is still low,but at least it is not dropping.

During Tia's recent infusions, she has begun talking in her sleep. Mostly it is unintelligible but there are some really funny comments, but I won't repeat them here. Another time and another place.

Special thanks to Tia's sister Lou for helping this week. It was really positive for Tia and it was great having Lou at the house.

Tia is making a fortune in the market as her largest position for the last 300 points has been Apple. Thinking that the radiation/chemo was giving her special insight into the future I had her fill out an NCAA bracket. So far I think we need to stick to the stock market!

Have a great weekend everyone

Sent from my iPad


  1. Tia, you are always in my thoughts, and prayers. Every day. I'm glad you'll be home Saturday and Sunday. Hope you can rest and enjoy your own bed.
    Love you poopsie!

  2. Tia - daily love being sent to you from me. I truly think of you all the time. I'm sitting at McKennas dive meet all day today at the Rose Bowl, but going to check my calendar when I get home, to see if I can help this week. I love you. xxx and ooo. Sharon
